The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is an American media franchise and also shared universe fixated a series of superhero films produced by Wonder Studios. The films are based on characters that show up in American comics released by Wonder Comic books. The franchise business also includes television series, brief films, electronic series, and literature. The shared universe, just like the original Marvel Cosmos in comic publications, was developed by going across over usual story elements, setups, actors, and characters. The very first MCU film is Iron Male (2008 ), which started the films of Stage One culminating in the crossover movie The Avengers (2012 ). Stage Two started with Iron Male 3 (2013) as well as ended with Ant-Man (2015 ). Stage Three began with Captain America: Civil War (2016) as well as wrapped up with Spider-Man: Far From Residence (2019 ). The first three phases in the franchise are collectively called The Infinity Saga . The films of Stage Four began with Black Widow (2021 ). Marvel Tv broadened the universe to network tv with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ABC in 2013, prior to more increasing to streaming tv on Netflix and also Hulu, and also cable television service on Freeform. They also created the electronic series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Slingshot. Marvel Studios started creating their very own tv series for streaming on Disney+, starting with WandaVision in 2021 as the start of Phase Four. The MCU likewise consists of tie-in comics released by Wonder Comics, a series of direct-to-video brief movies called Marvel One-Shots, and a viral advertising and marketing advocate the films featuring the faux information program WHIH Newsfront. The franchise business has actually been commercially effective as well as has normally received favorable reviews. It has influenced other film and also television workshops to try to create comparable shared worlds with comics character adjustments. The MCU has actually likewise motivated numerous themed tourist attractions, an art exhibition, 2 tv specials, manuals for each and every film, numerous tie-in computer game, and commercials.
As the series of The Last of US for HBO Cobra Form, PlayStation Productions and Sony are still working to expand your offer. In this way, one of the most anticipated productions is the LIVE ACTION series of Twisted Metal , which has found its protagonist.
According to Deadline, Anthony Mackie , who recently obtained the role of Captain America in the MCU, will be in charge of playing John Doe , the protagonist of the twisted metal series. Similarly, a description of this show has been shared:
Twisted Metal is a comedy based on an original proposal of Deadpool writers, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, about a stranger who seeks the opportunity of a better life, but only if he can successfully deliver a mysterious package through of an apocalyptic páramo. With the help of a car thief, he will face wild marauders who drive destruction vehicles and other open road hazards, including a disrupted clown that drives an ice cream truck too familiar .
Regarding the role of Mackie, this was what Asad Qizilbash, head of Playstation Productions commented, in this regard:
We are happy to have Anthony Mackie on board. The ability of it to combine comedy, action and drama is perfect for the twisted world we are creating.
Unfortunately, this is all the new information that is for the time being. For what has been shared, The Twisted Metal series will not be fully based on the games , but will present an original story, with a series of references to the series titles.
On related topics, a new rumor points out that a game of twisted metal is already under development, and it would be available at par in this series.
Via: Deadline.
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