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Warmane gold will be reduced half on January 4, 2018

Warmane've carried out a gold squish, cutting 50% off all gold across Outland and Icecrown, characters, storage and such. This brought out fantastic outcomes in our evaluation, and Warmane believes undertaking it on a yearly basis rewards the economy tremendously.

With all of this in thoughts, Warmane has concluded that all realms will acquire a gold squish of 50% on January 4, 2018, providing players, after once more, our usual warning and lots of time for you to use up their reserves ahead of Warmane commence the adjustment in the economy.

What this signifies is every piece of Warmane gold that exists in circulation, be it in the character's inventory, mailbox, guild bank, website trading method or otherwise, will likely be merely halved. Correctly as it was performed final year as well.

As you most likely know, our rules prohibit the sale of in-game goods by way of third-party, solutions. In most situations where players take aspect in such transactions, they find yourself losing their accounts, characters or worse, and their individual information is obtained and sold to other far more menacing third parties. Warmane has accomplished a lot previously to combat this, from banning specific VPNs, implementing complex logging systems to procure the gold sources in such transactions and Warmane. Have staff monitoring the worldwide channels across our realms and Warmane think Warmane have succeeded in countering a lot of this more than a previous couple of years.

Warmane has also taken a stride in implementing yet an additional counter-measure, an artificial intelligence-driven bot that detects gold seller spam, and dispenses swift punishment while also learning over time with the several patterns culprits reside to employing.

Meet Jin, an artificial intelligence-driven chatbot, which identifies gold spam (regardless of how hard it truly is ciphered with non-latin characters), and learns over time for you to combat new attempts of gold selling.
The bot has been active to get a couple of months now, and it can only get better. With this, like loads of internal employees effort on our side and lots of other measures Warmane have, Warmane hope to make an atmosphere where no such game interruptions, as Warmane contemplate them that way, will exist.


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